Sunday, January 21, 2007

Our "baby" starts school tomorrow! - Posted by Lisa

Well, not school really...

Tomorrow morning, Christopher starts in the child care program at the local elementary school (where he'll go to kindergarten in '09). He'll be going approx 8-4:30 on Mondays and Wednesdays. (sob!)

I've been wanting to get him in this program for the longest time, but he had to be 2.5 and potty trained. So that turned out to be the big motivator for learning to use the potty. At the beginning he'd ask "I go to school?" every time he took a pee! Chris and I decided that once Christopher held up his end of the bargain, we certainly couldn't let him down.

I have to admit that I'm a little emotional and nervous tonight about it. I'm scared that he'll be really homesick and won't want to go back. I'm even scared he won't eat anything substantial from the lunch I packed him! I was planning on starting him with just half days, but the teacher recommended diving right in with the full day. I hope that's the right thing to do!

So I've got his lunch packed, clothes laid out, his pillow, blanket, change of clothes (in case of an accident), and outerwear all ready to go (as well as Ian's since he'll be along for the drive over). I just need to finish up his paperwork (almost done), and get myself showered tonight so we can all be ready to go in the morning.

Any last minute bits of advice?


MrsDayna8992 said...

Hey Lease,
Some last minute bit of advise from a mom with teens who also works with Pre K children.......
Christopher is going to have the time of his life. Enjoy and savor this day. This is the building blocks for the rest of his school "career". If you have a positive attitude, he will too.

Drop him off, give him a kiss (no crying at the door mom!) Go home and enjoy the one/one time with Ian.
This is a milestone. Celebrate it with icecream afterwards. Your baby is growing up. Enjoy and celebrate each moment!
OH and take lots of pictures :)

Good luck