Thursday, October 27, 2005

"I'm the Dad" Revised - Posted by Chris

On a blog that I started unsuccessfully over a year ago I made the following post:

I'm The Dad - 07/12/04

When my son was born, I had a revelation. The doctor, taking care of my son immediately after birth, said "Dad do you want to meet your son?" I sat there for a moment and then realized, 'I'm the dad!’ I've since discovered that a lot of new dads have this revelation. It sounds rather basic but it’s really more complex than realizing that you are now someone's father. "Being the Dad" is finding that you are now responsible for the well being of another person. It’s feeling the stress of providing for your family and worrying about things like job security, health care
and college funds. "Being the Dad" is stressing about keeping up the "dad" jobs around the house and worrying about whether or not all the doors are locked at night.

My son is seven months old and I'm really just discovering the real meaning of "Being the Dad"; today the stress and worry was all worth it when my son was comforted by just sitting on my lap, for no other reason than 'I'm the dad'.

More than a year later, with baby number two on the way, I've never been happier that 'I'm the dad.' I have to say that I'm a bit nervous about being 'the dad' x 2 but I'm confident that Lisa and I will make it work.